Update March 5, 2021

This document will continue to be updated based on current conditions in the surrounding areas and our community based on guidance from local and state governing bodies. Please check this document each week before game day to insure you are up to date on all protocol. Although the vaccine and other protocol seem to be improving things in our area, all COVID-19 protocol remains in effect for the 2021 Spring season.

If necessary, attendance limits will be set according to local and national mandates. This may eventually mean limiting the number of immediate family members, such as only allowing one parent/family member per player. Currently, the City of Alpharetta are following the Governor of Georgia’s mandate on "Gatherings" and attendance on Match Day for the time being is allowed. Ambush Soccer Club ask that you voluntarily minimize attendance and where possible, only one family member attend Match Day. When attending, Ambush Soccer Club promotes social distancing before, during, and after matches. Coaches and spectators must always practice social distancing while in the facility. Regardless, spectators will need to vacate the playing area immediately following the match. Also, there can be no extracurricular activity. For example, but not limited to: siblings playing and running around within the Match Day facility, parents playing games or running around with siblings within the Match Day facility, etc. The expectation is for spectators to arrive at the field 5 minutes before the game, sit or stand on the spectator sideline at least 6 feet from others and then leave immediately at the final whistle. Your cooperation in this area will allow us to continue games with spectators.

COVID – 19 Protocols

Please familiarize yourself with CDC and Ambush COVID-19 protocol here and follow these steps before every practice/game:

  • Take your player’s temperature prior to arrival every day. If they have a fever of 100.4 or higher or display any other symptoms of the Coronavirus, STAY HOME. Coaches will be confirming with players prior to games, and anyone not in compliance will be sent home.
  • Wash and sanitize all equipment each day.
  • Wash hands prior to and after playing games.
  • Supply your player with their own hand sanitizer.
  • No sharing of food, water or equipment.
  • No high-fives, handshakes, or hugs.
  • No spitting on the fields.
  • Players on the sideline or bench area should remain socially distanced (6 feet apart) – including during pre-grame, half-time, and post-game discussions.
  • During games, parents should remain in their cars until about 5 minutes before game time and avoid gathering on the field.
  • All spectators should practice social distancing and not congregate in large groups.
  • No tents are allowed on parent and player sidelines. 
  • ALL SPECTATORS AND NON-PARTICIPATING INDIVIDUALS ARE ENCOURAGED TO WEAR A MASK OR OTHER FACE COVERING UNTIL THE CDC, STATE AND FEDERAL AUTHORITIES NO LONGER RECOMMEND THE PRACTICE.  Ambush Soccer Club ask that while your are at one of our facilities as a spectator, please wear a mask to help stop the spread of disease.
  • All players and spectators must exit the fields immediately following the conclusion of their game to allow participants for the following game to access the area.
  • Teams and spectators waiting to play should NOT enter the field until all previous participants have vacated the area. Maintain social distancing.
  • Spectators,players, coaches, and other match day staff will not be allowed to congregate near entrances to the fields. All entrances and exits must remain clear, so that entering and exiting can be done while practicing social distancing guidelines.
  • In the event of COVID-19 symptoms or exposure, please notify your coach and then refer to the CDC guidelines here.

City of Alpharetta and Ambush Facility Guidelines

  • Expectations at Ambush facilities will be that anyone who is not playing, or refereeing wears a mask or face covering. Players and referees are not required to wear masks during games. This is because masks may obscure vision, increase respiratory challenges, or increase other injury risks while being physically active.
  • Here is a video with more information.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3lwuZwobBI
  • All fields should be cleared before the next team enters.
  • Facilities at all venues will be maintained by City of Alpharetta staff.
  • All attendees should always maintain social distancing guidelines during arrival and departure from competition.
  • Spectators should remain off the field, practice proper social distancing and utilize masks or cloth facial coverings throughout the event in accordance with local and national guidelines. 
  • In the event of an injury, staff/trainers may assess and facilitate management of the injured individual in accordance with proper first aid management. Family members and any on-site healthcare providers may participate in injury management as necessary, but others should maintain proper social distance.
  • When visiting a trainer on site for any reason, players, parents and coaches who are within 6 feet of the trainer, must wear a mask during that time.
  • In the event of lightning, the field will be cleared and all players/parents need to wait in their cars until the all-clear is sounded. Please do not remain on the field or under pavilions and trees.

Ambush Soccer Club Game Day Protocol

  • Anyone with a fever of 100.4 or higher, a cough, loss of taste or smell in the past 72 hours, should not attend games. No fever reducing agents should be used to get around this protocol.
  • The lead coach from each participating team should confirm with the lead coach of the opposing team that all participating players and staff have met the above requirements of no known symptoms or exposures.
  • All referees should confirm individually with both lead coaches that all referees have met the above requirements of no known symptoms or exposures.
  • All coaches must be wearing masks or face shields.
  • Spectators are strongly encouraged and expected to wear masks or face shields.
  • Any personnel entering the team sideline must wear a mask.
  • Ambush requires social distancing before, during, and after matches. Coaches and spectators must practice social distancing at all times while in the facility.
  • Players should observe social distancing when not in play. (6 feet seated apart at all times)
  • Shared "hydration stations" will be eliminated, and players and staff should bring their own water or other hydration.
  • Parents are not permitted on the player sideline or behind goals. Sidelines should respect the 6 feet social distance rules at all times.
  • Pre-game, post-game and substitution handshakes should be avoided.
  • Physical contact should be avoided during celebrations and post-game activities.
  • Please exit the complex immediately following the conclusion of your game to allow participants for the next games to access the area.
  • Teams “waiting” to play should NOT enter the field/sideline until all participants from the previous game have cleared the sideline.
  • No sharing of water bottles, food or equipment.
  • We encourage and expect everyone to bring their own personal hand sanitizer.
  • Please remove all items and trash from the field.
  • If one of your players tests positive, notify your coach and Doug Yearwood immediately. We will ask for a confidential report.

Game Check-In. Post Game, & Team Manager Guidelines

When relevant, player pass cards should be handled only by the coach of the team, and should be disinfected after the game. (Referees should be shown the player pass cards during check-in, but not handle the cards.) Referees should track player substitutions with their own notes, and should not collect players' pass cards.

Any post-game paperwork should be minimized and handled by authorized personnel only.

Ambush will communicate with the referee assignor (or other appropriate individual) to ensure that referees for each game are documented and referee assignor has contact information for all referees.


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